Thursday, September 1, 2011

Can't even think of a title because of this damn song in my head...and other stuff.

So. Ready. For this weekend. I get to go on a date with my husband. I am going to suggest to him we make a rule to only mention the kids, like, ten times during our dinner conversation. This romantic dinner will take place after a less romantic day with Little at her best friend's pool party. Nothing says Happy Anniversary like being in a swimming pool with a bunch for three year old kids. (JK we are CHOOSING to take her because it is her best little friend from school). We are then going to clean and organize this house.Really. I promise. I even bought a calender to hang on the fridge to remind us of stuff we need to do and to what activity we will be arriving 15 minutes late. ( I have gotten being at least 15 minutes late down to a science).

Run Baybeeee Run !
 Update on soccer practice! Little can now stand on one foot! Still loves soccer and is ready to go back to school next week. I am super proud and ready for her first game!



Update on Tiny! She is Cute! Also, I am hatching a plan on how to get Tiny to drink breast milk out of a sippy cup. She will be 10 month tomorrow and we will need to be out of bottle soon . She will have sippy cups for breast milk at the Panther's Fan's and for juice and water with us. Wish me luck! I have gotten some great recommendations from some friends but I don't know very many people (in real life, not Internet world) who have done extended breastfeeding so this is new territory. My goal was 12 months and we are almost there. So it might end being closer to 18 months....then my Breastfeeding tattoo???? So wish me luck on introducing the cup to Tiny!

Eat your heart out Lady Gaga

I have that song by The Band Perry stuck in my head. How depressing. AND I lost the part of my Rubber Duckie Ear Buds today. Even MORE depressing.

Did you know the anniversary gift for 6 years is CANDY! How awesome is that?!?!?!?!?! BG is really great at gifts and he knows what kind of candy I love. He's a catch. He is also getting ready to leave again. Boooo! He was a big help today and even gave the kids their baths tonight.

So that's all the craziness for the moment. I know you missed us. Don't lie to yourself you know you were waiting on pins and needles to see if Little stood on one foot this week ( Yep!) and if Tiny won the Nobel  Prize. (Not yet) Wait, you didn't know Tiny is going to be a physicist ?!

Call me Dr Tiny.

Dreamin' Big,


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