Saturday, August 27, 2011

Stickers, Sangria, and Black Ops??? Really??

First of all I want to say Hello to my international readers...yes I have international readers! I TOLD you this was a highbrow blog! Second of all I have started writing this while Tiny is pulling my hair yelling "DADADA". BG is playing Black Ops and has not clue what Tiny is doing. You think between the screeching of "DADA" and me periodically yelling "OW!" he would notice....yeah right.

EDIT :  Also, Thank you very much to my Hurricane Irene readers...if not for the storm you wouldn't be bored and if you weren't bored I would just be typing to myself.  Please come back when the rain stops and you aren't scared for your life. Please. Thanks a bunch.

BG. ALWAYS aware of his surroundings. Yes, that IS Dora.

Little is spending the night at The Cruisers house. They are preparing for a cruise and wanted some Little time before they left. BG and I wanted some romance time. Again, BG is playing Black Ops and I am writing while Tiny pulls my hair. VERY ROMANTIC! Ahhhh it's ok...I have Law & Order on in the background. Romance would interfere. I love Law & Order SVU so much that Tiny's middle name is after a character. I know that's super duper cool of BG and I, right ?!?!?!?!?!

Little dressed as Rapunzel. With her Dora watering can.

We did have dinner with The Cruisers and the girls played in the pool. It was a great way to celebrate our "end" of summer. Fall wont really start in the area until October but September is a busy month around these parts. Had a little Sangria and fed Tiny mashed sweet potatoes and apples out of a jar.Yum. Not Gerber. Yay! Little watered every plant on the deck ten million times and BG and I had a little water fight. I love the times we spend out on the deck.

Hello there.

I just wrote a sentence and Tiny deleted it ...time to go. Baby shower tomorrow for a friend. I am sure I will have cute pictures of my kids that you all MUST see...

Fare Thee Well,


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