Monday, August 15, 2011

My Kindle My Love

You may ask yourself, self, how might one have time for two children, a full time job, and a blog? Welp, here is my personal answer. My house is a mess... but here is my rationalization. I needed something to do for myself.

Damn girl! You so fine!
I do like to read but I go through books so fast my Kindle and debit card are not in agreement. My Kindle says "Yes! Buy!" and my debit card says "Hold Up! You have no money. Ever."

If you don't get the FRIENDS reference you suck.

And I know" blah blah blah free books blahbittybloo " but COME ON there is nothing like hitting that BUY NOW button and knowing the book you never knew you needed to read was on it's way through the cyber air to your house. I loved the 99 cent sale Amazon had recently but after almost two weeks in bed for a Cholecystectomy (look it up this is a high brow blog) I have read all the 99 cent trashy romances a girl can stomach. They only set you up for failure (poor BG with all my high expectations for romance). So when I buy books it gives me something to do while I nurse Tiny. Favorite slogan while I was feeding Little "Hon, I'm gonna read and feed!".  Harharhar I am a riot. It's great because when she is on a marathon feed I can get a few chapters in and before I know it all of  Lord of the Scoundrels is done. Yea I read got a problem? They trap you ever further with this "Kindle App". Now anywhere I have my phone I also have my Kindle. I love love love it. Female Cruiser just got a Kindle so when she cruises she can now Kindle. So bottom line if you need to get me a gift, which is always appropriate, Amazon money it is.

You didn't believe me?

What was the point? Oh yeah, Blog...well I can't afford to buy a bunch of books right now here I am nursing Tiny.

Tiny with her nursing buddy.

Lovey Bubbles!


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