Monday, November 14, 2011

When it Rains, The Washer and Furnace Stop Working.

As if life wasn’t stressful enough. Last week in the mad dash that was our lives we discovered our furnace is causing something to short out and trip the breaker in our attic. So we are without heat. Luckily it isn’t that cold, we have plenty of blankets, and we’ve only been home to sleep for over a week. Last night as we had finally laid down to sleep and BG started his long night of tossing and turning before his first day of his new job we heard something strange happening in the hallway. Our washer was dying. So we got up and pulled the clothes out of the rinse cycle and wrung them out in the bath tub and then started the washer again to drain the water. We were able to put the clothes back for the spin cycle. So…I don’t know what to do about all that. BG has one heck of a honey-do list at the moment.

Names have been covered with leaves to protect the innocent.

Tiny had a great Birthday party and we had so much fun. We played the Tiny Timeline game and a Tiny Trivia game. The cake was awesome and Tiny was super happy to dig right in. Thank you to our cake lady! I almost fell over with joy when I saw her cake and smash cake. So thanks to our cake guru! Someone...ehem *Mario's Grammie* mentioned they love my kids but they come to our parties for the cake. That's ok, I only throw the parties for the cake.The most important part is that Tiny had a wonderful time. Thank you to the Female Cruiser for the wonderful food and for all of your help. I don’t know what I would have done without you.

Speaking of the Pteranadon….She took some steps on Thursday night for the first time! I worked late to get some hours in and she was at home with BG. I was home for about an hour and was getting her ready for bed
when this conversation took place:

BE: OOOOh poor baby! She is getting another diaper rash.
BG: She walked from the table in the playroom to me today.
BE: What? She took a step?
BG: Yeah a few then she fell down.
BG: Well I forgot.

Then I promptly rushed her to the hallway where I made her take steps to me over and over again as I cried and clapped and made Little so jealous over all of the attention her sister was getting she came over and said:

Little: Mom! Watch me walk!

Then she sashayed up and down then hall while I clapped and praised
her. Oy.

On Sunday we had lunch with The Panthers Fan and Baltimore Uncle who was in town for the weekend. Little misses her uncle and had a great time talking his ear off. We then went and took a nap because BG and I needed it. Bad. We had dinner with Beach Aunt and the PoPo who were also in town for Tiny’s birthday party. We really had a great time and it’s funny to see how they interact with Little and Tiny. Beach Aunt and the PoPo don’t have any kids and really aren’t around kids a lot. My kids are so lucky to have so many people in their lives that love them and that make such and effort to be part of the big moments.  No matter how far away my family is they make an effort to be here for big events as much as possible and to be there in spirit when they can’t be there physically.

Love this!

And This!

This week is a little slower then last week. Choir for Little on Wednesday and Christmas pictures on Saturday. I also have to put in some S-A-N-T-A time this week. I told Little it is time for our weekly Santa
chats to start again. Every week from here to Christmas the Jolly Guy and I are gonna have a little chat about the state of the household and the behavior of two little girls. I know it’s a lot for him to handle but Mrs. Claus is also available for chats as long as I leave her a bottle of Riesling along with Santa’s milk and cookies and the carrots for the reindeer. BTW Little is learning how to spell…soon we will be S-C-R-E-W-E-D when it comes to keeping things from her. Just Sayin’.

I can’t wait for Thanksgiving camping. My Kindle is loaded up and I just want some time with my kids and husband without having to be anywhere. It is the closest thing to a vacation we have had since May.

Dreamin’ of a Fried Turkey

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