Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thanksgiving Was Great.

Thanksgiving. WOW it has been almost two weeks since we came back into town. Going away and coming back with no washer machine has really been a challenge but luckily The Cruiser's Wash-N-Fluff has been open for business. Which means I have been spending a few days a week at their house.

We had a great time camping. Here are some pictures. Camping on Thanksgiving is AWESOME! Here.

Fancy Dinner Time

Ummmm K

Tiny Turkey

Tines and The Male Cruiser

I swear there are kids in there

Tiny's 1st Time Camping
I really really can't remember much of what happened other then I did read three books on the Kindle.Yay! Hmmm maybe that's why I can't remember....

Tryin' To Catch Up !


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Five Little Things

So this is the time of the year when people sit around tables and talk about how grateful they are for things. Am I grateful for my family? Sure. Do I thank God for my house and car? Yeppers. Am I glad I have a job? You Betcha'.

Here are a few more less "Thanksgivingy" things that I am grateful for:

1- Little's Drama- I recently shared a blog post on Facebook from Rants From Mommy Land in which  Lydia compares living with a three year old to living in a Telenovela. Our personal Telenovela is Littlemundo.She even speaks some Spanish after a few episodes of Dora or Diego. The little senorita is full of drama, stubbornness, and I swear sometimes she has an evil twin. Although I might not appreciate it when we are trying to get out the door in the morning and she burst into tears for the fifth time, I do appreciate that I have a little girl that has imagination and expresses herself. It is also a sign that she is reaching her emotional development milestones. Yay Early Childhood Development!

2- My Messy House- My children have toys to play with. We have clothes to pile up in the laundry baskets. We have food to cook so we have dishes to wash. We have decorations for holidays that need to be put away. Without all these things my house wouldn't be a disaster. I am so grateful for my disaster.

3- My Medela Pump- Without which, I would not be able to work. It has been a good pump and seen me through two babies. For FBH I will need a new one because using my Medela for the past thirteen months has lessened it's effectiveness. When Tiny heads to college and I finally stop nursing her I will bid it farewell and start researching another pump. (Seriously people I said she wouldn't go to college nursing)

4-BG's Relationship with Tiny- BG hasn't been able to be around for much of Tines' first year. I have been the parent that has been around to get to see her personality start to develop. The other day I walked in and the two of them were playing on the floor of the playroom and giggling. I am so happy that they are getting to learn each other now. BG being gone was harder on Little because she missed him but I think it was worse on his relationship with Tiny because they just didn't get to know each other. When he was able to be home most of that time was spent with Little or me. It makes me beyond happy to see them playing together.

5- This Blog- It equals me time. It also has given me a place to document my children. These days our lives are so busy and things change so fast that it is hard to really remember all the funny and challenging things that happen when you are a mother. I am lucky that I enjoy writing and have a way to document my children for my future self and for others who love them. I also get to share a lot of who I am. I am not just Little and Tiny's Mommy and I am not just BG's wife. I get to be BE and share our story.

So maybe they aren't LITTLE things but they aren't the ordinary answers. This post ended up feeling way mushier then I thought it would. I guess whenever you start thinking about the blessings and good things in your life one tends to get a wee bit mushy.

Another thing I am thankful for is stuffing (dressing, for those of you who are southern). Stuffing and Sweet Potato casserole are hands down my favs. Oh and red cabbage. AND FRIED TURKEY. Yummmmmm. See why I love Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I will post again after the Holiday so you can see how awesome it is to camp at Thanksgiving.

All about some Thankfulness,


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Five Things Parents Don't Want You to Give Their Kids For Christmas. Seriously.

So a large part of my existence in the past week or so has been devoted to the Christmas thing. No, I am not listening to Christmas music yet. Unless you count Little singing Go Tell It On The Mountain four hundred and fifty million times as "listening to Christmas music". I swear my listening was voluntary like five times. Now it is like a pantyhose death roll. It starts and you can't really react negatively, so you just go with it until it's over and then try to move on. Now don't get me wrong. I love the song and I love Little more than words. The point is she only knows the first verse and that's a lot of  "Over the hills and everywhere-ERE!"

Ok, back to the point. So I have been planning ahead for S-A-N-T-A and trying to get the best deals blah blah blah. Little is no problem she is at the age where everything is really cool and she tells you what she likes and doesn't like. Tiny is a wee but more difficult compounded by her birthday being less then two months before Christmas. I am working through it but on one of my nightly searches for THE BEST TODDLER GIFTS THIS CHRISTMAS I also was seeing lists about the worst gifts for children. I started to think...hmmmmm what are some of the things I dread seeing under the tree for the girls. What wonderful torturous things have my parents bought this year....

Which brings us to NUMBER ONE ~ Playdough. There are already little tiny bits of this horrible substance stuck in Little's carpet after nap time turned into art project time one afternoon without my knowledge. (Male Cruiser this is your greatest offense. Well this AND the pink riffle.)

Little squishy rainbow of doom.

NUMBER TWO~ A Bad Case of Stripes By David Shannon. I read the reviews on Amazon for this book. People are claiming this book continues to give their children nightmares months and even years after the book was read to them. Even the cover is a little scary. PLEASE don't give my kids anything that will make them sleep LESS. If anything I need them to increase the time they sleep. Thank you.


NUMBER THREE~ Bambi. Now available on Disney Blue-ray and DVD. The mom DIES. ugh.

How-to for hunters

NUMBER FOUR~ Lite Brite or any other age inappropriate toy with teeny tiny parts that I will have to keep up on top of my fridge or in a locked safe. I don't want to loose pieces and then wonder why the baby is pooping in Technicolor.

If your poo looks like this..see a doctor.

NUMBER FIVE~ Any Doll that looks like a Hoochie. Seriously trying to raise some ladies here people. I let Little play with Barbie and Princesses but I do try my darnedest to make sure that they keep their hind ends covered. I also try to choose dolls that aren't wearing too much makeup. I know that they will be exposed to all of these things in the general public but I do monitor things in my own home. I even object to some Tinkerbell toys even though we love her. Bottom line, Tink can be kinda a Ho. So please take two good looks before buying my kid the streetwalker fashion play set with bonus crack rocks.


So...that's it. Again, I try to keep my negatives to 5 or less.

My children are so blessed to have so many people who provide so much for them. This post is just to give The Male Cruiser a hard time. (and BTW he is the BEST at Christmas gifts) Weedle weedle!

Over the Hills and...


Monday, November 14, 2011

These Keds are made for Toddling

Yes, it is true. Tiny took her first steps the day after her birthday and now almost 2 weeks later she is taking multiple steps and walking to people. The first person she walked to? Her sister. Why? To steal the flashlight Little was holding. Yay Tines!

Gooooo Baybeeeeeeeee!

So now I have a Toddler and a Preschooler. Woa. I am also nursing a Toddler which is a totally new experience. She moves around A LOT. I think it is super funny. When will I be done nursing ? When we are done. Maybe before she heads to college. A brilliant person somewhere came up with the international symbol for breastfeeding a toddler:

At first I just thought it was cute and funny...then I found out it's not just funny IT'S TRUE.

Proof. Yeah she's nursing like this.

Everything else is going well. BG has been at the new job for a week now and loves it! We are quickly learning how to be morning people again.

On an even super funner note, it's almost time to start packing for Thanksgiving.  There is something really special about eating Thanksgiving supper out in the woods. This will also be Tiny's first camping trip and I think she will love it. Basically the kid likes to eat dirt and leaves so the campground will be a smorgasbord of yummy crunchies. I will be constantly be pulling away something or prying stuff out of her mouth! 

Not looking forward to packing,


When it Rains, The Washer and Furnace Stop Working.

As if life wasn’t stressful enough. Last week in the mad dash that was our lives we discovered our furnace is causing something to short out and trip the breaker in our attic. So we are without heat. Luckily it isn’t that cold, we have plenty of blankets, and we’ve only been home to sleep for over a week. Last night as we had finally laid down to sleep and BG started his long night of tossing and turning before his first day of his new job we heard something strange happening in the hallway. Our washer was dying. So we got up and pulled the clothes out of the rinse cycle and wrung them out in the bath tub and then started the washer again to drain the water. We were able to put the clothes back for the spin cycle. So…I don’t know what to do about all that. BG has one heck of a honey-do list at the moment.

Names have been covered with leaves to protect the innocent.

Tiny had a great Birthday party and we had so much fun. We played the Tiny Timeline game and a Tiny Trivia game. The cake was awesome and Tiny was super happy to dig right in. Thank you to our cake lady! I almost fell over with joy when I saw her cake and smash cake. So thanks to our cake guru! Someone...ehem *Mario's Grammie* mentioned they love my kids but they come to our parties for the cake. That's ok, I only throw the parties for the cake.The most important part is that Tiny had a wonderful time. Thank you to the Female Cruiser for the wonderful food and for all of your help. I don’t know what I would have done without you.

Speaking of the Pteranadon….She took some steps on Thursday night for the first time! I worked late to get some hours in and she was at home with BG. I was home for about an hour and was getting her ready for bed
when this conversation took place:

BE: OOOOh poor baby! She is getting another diaper rash.
BG: She walked from the table in the playroom to me today.
BE: What? She took a step?
BG: Yeah a few then she fell down.
BG: Well I forgot.

Then I promptly rushed her to the hallway where I made her take steps to me over and over again as I cried and clapped and made Little so jealous over all of the attention her sister was getting she came over and said:

Little: Mom! Watch me walk!

Then she sashayed up and down then hall while I clapped and praised
her. Oy.

On Sunday we had lunch with The Panthers Fan and Baltimore Uncle who was in town for the weekend. Little misses her uncle and had a great time talking his ear off. We then went and took a nap because BG and I needed it. Bad. We had dinner with Beach Aunt and the PoPo who were also in town for Tiny’s birthday party. We really had a great time and it’s funny to see how they interact with Little and Tiny. Beach Aunt and the PoPo don’t have any kids and really aren’t around kids a lot. My kids are so lucky to have so many people in their lives that love them and that make such and effort to be part of the big moments.  No matter how far away my family is they make an effort to be here for big events as much as possible and to be there in spirit when they can’t be there physically.

Love this!

And This!

This week is a little slower then last week. Choir for Little on Wednesday and Christmas pictures on Saturday. I also have to put in some S-A-N-T-A time this week. I told Little it is time for our weekly Santa
chats to start again. Every week from here to Christmas the Jolly Guy and I are gonna have a little chat about the state of the household and the behavior of two little girls. I know it’s a lot for him to handle but Mrs. Claus is also available for chats as long as I leave her a bottle of Riesling along with Santa’s milk and cookies and the carrots for the reindeer. BTW Little is learning how to spell…soon we will be S-C-R-E-W-E-D when it comes to keeping things from her. Just Sayin’.

I can’t wait for Thanksgiving camping. My Kindle is loaded up and I just want some time with my kids and husband without having to be anywhere. It is the closest thing to a vacation we have had since May.

Dreamin’ of a Fried Turkey

Happy Birthday My Lovie!

My Tiny Girl is one and I continue to alternate between excitement and sadness. It seems like this last year has gone by so fast. We woke up on her birthday and cuddled and snuggled. It was a great morning . That night we had a small family party at our favorite pizza place. I also went and got some of our favorite cupcakes. BG unfortunately missed the dinner but did make it home from Virginia before she fell asleep. She was nursing and saw him enter the room out of the corner of her eye. She immediately unlatched and started yelling at him until he picked her up!


 We also gained another member of our extended family on Tiny's birthday! You have been introduced to Mario, who is one of Little's best friends, but I grew up with Mario's Daddy and all his Aunts and his Uncle. Mario's Aunt had a baby boy on Tine's birthday! He is the 4th boy grand baby in the family and we are so happy to welcome Baby B to the world!

So I wrote a little letter to Tiny for her birthday, If it's too mushy for you skip it, then go have a baby and let them turn one, the return to this post and cry like a baby because your baby is one. Got it. Good.

Dear My Tiny Love,

One year ago today you joined our family. I remember laying in the hospital bed waiting for my turn in the OR and wondering what you would be like. Now, It seems like you have always been here and it's hard to think of a time when our family didn't have you around.You have always belonged with us. You remind me so much of your Daddy. Your facial expressions and temper are a mirror of him. It makes me so happy to watch the two of you together. You can be both the silliest baby and the most serious. A lot has changed in the last year and for the first time in a long time we have hope and are content with the changes we face. You, my love, have been such a source of joy and comfort. Your smile and the way you and Little giggle together makes me both fill up with love and burst with pride. You and your sister have been the driving force in my life. I am very proud of our relationship and how we have nurtured each other this year. I promise to continue to do my best as your mother and to allow myself to grow and learn from you and your sister. I love you my Pteranadon! Happy Birthday!




A Long Long Time Ago...

My Cupcake

Like the weekend before Halloween. My Grandparents came to visit. It was a great visit and Little did not stop talking the entire time the Traveling Great Grandparents were here.  The Male Cruiser made her a huge pile of leaves and she jumped in them. We only really got to spend Sunday with them because of a lovely little snow storm but it was so much fun.

I prefer it when my witch has an attitude. like this.

See Attitude

Then it was Halloween. Little was a Dancing Witch and Tiny was a cupcake. We went Trick-or-Treating in the neighborhood I grew up in and saw the families I babysat for. It was so much fun bring MY kids to see them all. We pulled the girls in our wagon. Which is to say BG pulled the wagon and I kept freaking out about cars coming even though there were very few. The girls hauled in some great candy which we also split with Unc since he joined us for our walk.

Almost birthday cupcake!

 The day after Halloween Little was miserable and cried all morning so she played hooky at school and stayed with The Panthers Fan all morning. That night was her soccer banquet and The Cruisers and Unc joined the girls and I an we got to see Little get her trophy. We are so proud of Little and all of the Ninjas and we can't wait for next soccer season. Now we are pondering basketball. I think we might wait until next year steps! BG was on his final trip out of town and we are so glad that he is done traveling!

Trophy Time!

This is what she was waiting for!

Tiny is eating paper towels. GTG!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hard Hats are Hot?

This morning is the last time I am going to get to sleep in for a while. It is 8 AM and I am wide awake writing this. I am not amused at the irony. I think part of the problem is that Little is watching Busytown Mysteries in the den at almost top volume.

I have wonderful news people...BG is no more!

Hehehe I tricked you! I am not getting rid of BG! HE is getting rid of the BUSES! He gave his notice Friday and in a week he will be starting a new job...ONE THAT DOESN'T TRAVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am beyond excited to have my love staying home. For the purposes of this blog he will remain "BG" cause I think it is cute and I have taken to occasionally calling him that out loud. I am so proud of him and he is really looking forward to this job...he gets to wear a hard hat... That's almost like a uniform right? Love me a uniform. So Congrats to my Lovie and yay for an extra set of hands around here.....Boooo for waking up at  5 AM to get to work.

Happy Birthday to The Female Cruiser! It was yesterday and she said she wasn't going to celebrate but the Male Cruiser took her out for Mexican. I have noticed that if The Cruisers go out to eat they always head for Mexican...hmmmmmm  wonder why? Are they getting their stomachs acclimated so when they head for the boarder and abandon all of us it isn't a devastating shock to their systems? To steal a phrase from The Male Cruiser "I highly doubt it." I think they just like it and they can drink Dos Equis and Margaritas.Yum Margaritas.

So on Tuesday I completely blanked about a check up Tiny had for her ears. I called and rescheduled and it was no big deal. Did not get charged because it was my first "no show". Few days later I get a postcard in the mail telling me: " If we do not hear form you, we will document the appointment as a no show." That is not a typo on my part. It does say form. Now, I know that when write this blog there are spelling and grammatical mistakes. I also write as I speak so it is very informal. BUT THIS POSTCARD GOES OUT TO PATIENTS OF A BUSINESS. Just sayin'. After I called and rescheduled I got the postcard telling me to reschedule and a phone call telling me to reschedule. By the time I got the postcard Tiny had already been in the office and we were told her ears were fine. Maybe they need to quit with the Margaritas.

The Traveling Great Grandparents should be here tonight if they don't have weather problems on the way know all that snow and stuff AND so the week of craziness begins.

The family is stirring....Get me a Margarita! Not really.


Monday, October 24, 2011

My Kid Doesn't Play With Three Year Olds. She's Friends With The NFL.

Little is amazing. She literally amazes me sometimes. I know she is mine but after this post you might wish she was yours.

She met Ron Rivera tonight, as in the coach of the Carolina Panthers, yeah, that guy. He sat down next to her and they talked. I am not sure if this was before or after she crawled into Byron Bell's lap and hung out with him for a bit. She says "I'm not afraid of that giant guy". He is 6 foot 5 inches and weights 339 lbs. He is a giant guy. My three year old isn't afraid of him. I think part of her bravery is just from being three but somewhere in my 27 year old mind just can't believe it. I am proud. Yeah, my kid is friends with NFL players.


Giant Guy

Saturday was long and chock full of memories. Tiny had her first trip to the Pumpkin patch and Little had her last soccer game of the season.

For Little is was incredible to look back at her first game and how much she has grown in the last month or so. She didn't play at all her first game but in her last game she was on the field most of the game. she even made some kicks and is really looking forward to next season. She is all about the trophy and we have a banquet next week. After the game we had pancakes at McDonald's with the team.

Little had to pee. Male Cruiser was on Tiny duty.

We then headed home to change Little out of the soccer gear and pack up a picnic lunch. We headed over to the pumpkin patch. I thought we were just there to pick some pumpkins eat some lunch and run around. Tiny decided we were there to eat dirt. AND pine needles.  The girls picked out pumpkins which we are going to carve this weekend with The Traveling Great Grandparents who are coming into town. I also picked up some tiny pumpkins for a Tiny Party. The Male Cruiser joined us, taught Little about pumpkins and strawberries, took some great pictures, and bought the girls some chocolate. Like a good Male Cruiser does. We had a great time and now you have to look at more pictures of my children because I said so.

Tiny Girl

Little Girl

Learning with The Male Cruiser.

We stopped buy a Halloween party for a bit and then headed over to drop Little with The Cruisers for the night. We stayed and had pizza, cupcakes, and a fire. Then BG, Tiny, and I headed home for some much needed sleep. Little stayed up. UNTIL 2 AM. Poor Cruisers and Unc. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE, oh sorry.

I joined our church Sunday morning and Mario's Mommy sat with us during service. I loved the sign language during How Great Thou Art and the hand bells played You Will Know We are Christians. I totally got drafted for the contemporary choir, they need and alto, yep that's me! ...I am seriously thinking about it. I haven't sung much since college but I am thinking about it.....

So then it's Monday...I hate Monday....but I Looove you my readers. Sorry it's been kinda crappy with me not writing and all but I have good reasons. I am super excited about this weekend and the next two weeks...MY BaBaBAAAAAYY-BBBEEEEEE is turning ONE!!!!!!! I have so many feelings about that...don't EVEN get me started. I am proud that we have now made it to one year breastfeeding ( You knew i was gonna have to throw that in here somewhere)  I am only slightly stressed about the party. I will be significantly more stressed if BG doesn't get my fall decorations out of the storage building before he leaves town. He leaves tomorrow. He is currently watching Rambo .....yeah.

'Bout to go Rambo on some hind end,


Friday, October 21, 2011

This Moment- Growing In Her Sleep

{this moment} – A Friday ritual.  A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.  A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.  If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your “moment” in the comments for all to find and see.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Soft Kitty and It May Not Snow

First of all...Happy BG is Sick Now Day! Well it's not happy but that was just my semi-not at all-hilarious way of telling you BG is on the Vom Com now. Second of all.... I MUST HAVE THIS:

It is an all-consuming need!


Today Little has been going on and on and on about how it snows at Christmas. Last year it did BUT that is soooooooooo not the norm around here. I am trying to break it to her gently that it may not snow at Christmas this year and what the crap is she doing talking about Christmas now when first we have The-Female-Cruiser's-and-Baltimore-Uncle's-Birthday-then-Halloween-then-Tiny's-birthday-then-Thanksgiving-THEN-CHRISTMAS. She just wants it to snow. I just want it to stop being 50 degrees then almost 90 every other day so people can get over all this crap around here. I also want to stop getting the American Girl catalog. It is just not fair.

Tiny is in a crappy mood and just won't lay down so this is it for today. Sorry if it disappoints. (Also sorry I used the word crap so must be the state of mind)



Sunday, October 16, 2011

A PLAGUE on both your houses! Oh! Not yours, you say, Well then. A PLAGUE on my house!

Last week sucked. There is no better way to say it. It sucked. Big time. Sunday and Monday nights Tiny threw up but it was a kinda sorta snotty throw up and she had an ear infection in both ears so I was like " big deal". Tuesday and Wednesday morning flew by in a haze of Tiny puke, poop, and pediatric appointments. At which time Little started. Wednesday, after Little graced The Panthers Fan's living room with her lunch, I started to have that oh so awful feeling. The scary part: I DON'T REMEMBER THURSDAY AT ALL. BG was out of town and I remember talking to him Wednesday night begging him to come home, which he couldn't, and I know I called The Panthers Fan to come get the kids Thursday morning and then The Cruisers to relieve The Panthers Fan. BUT THAT IS ALL. SCARY! Really it was what my body needed.

On the way to get gas tonight (so I don't run out on the way to work tomorrow) I was thinking about this post.....but I think I have forgotten most of it. OOOOHHHHHH! I remember some of it !

So, On Friday when I didn't want to crawl up and sleep for 24 hours but I still couldn't make it out of my bed. I did a few thing that are a little odd for me  and considered something I would have never considered if I wasn't dehydrated and hallucinating. I. WATCHED. Sister Wives !!!! I watched 2 seasons while I dozed in and out and let me tell you...if that man wasn't so into having so many babies I would so be a sister wife....well sick me would have. And sick me even told BG that if he found another wife who liked to clean up the various bodily fluids that we were blessed with this week then I would be cool with the marriage "ceremony" happening NOW.  For some reason he didn't think I was serious. But he was out of town. I NEEDED a sister wife this week. Now that I am feeling a little better....I think if she cooks, cleans, AND deals with vom & poo THEN she's our girl. We are now accepting applications. Not really. Stay away from my BG Dude.

AND THANK YOU TO THE PANTHERS FAN AND THE CRUISERS FOR HELPING WITH THE NASTINESS AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!! Really, we are so thankful for your help. Please please please say you read my blog.

I also watched Toddler & Tiaras on Saturday. Now looking back I blame that on Netflix. IIIIIIIIII would have NEVER...well maybe. The bad thing about that show is it makes you feel just a little bit crazy. At one point BG walked into the bedroom and started to talk to me about something. I then led him into a conversation about how " blah blah is so mean to blah and really she isn't that much cuter and blah is such a B to blahdiddy blah blooo" UUUGGGGGGGHHHH HELP ME ! BG rolled his eyes and started to leave...but he paused for just a minute while it sucked him in a bit.....then he turned and ran. I am so proud he could do what I, in my weakened state, could not.

Now that I am out of bed and feeling stronger I hope I can abstain from some TLC/Netflix evil conspiracy shows for a bit. The conspiracy of course being you turn evil, love rhinestones, become a sister wife, and have 20 kids (and counting) because TLC/Netflix needs even more reality shows about such things. Bah!

You notice there are no pictures this post. I do have a pic on my phone of the stool sample kit the doctor gave me to obtain a sample from Tiny's diaper. I sent it in a text to BG so he could share the experience. I will NOT do the same for you, dear reader. Be grateful. I missed you all and hope our plague really doesn't fall on your houses.

Back to Life,


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Some Out Takes From Our Photo Shoot

So today was our photo shoot with The Male Cruiser. We did end up with some really great shots but here are some of the funnier things he caught !

Snoozing Tines

Picking Grass From Her Toes

Dancing Girl

Now you See Me
Now You Don't

Lovey Bubbles

Mad Tiny

Our Family
Hope you enjoyed them :) The "real" pictures will be part of another post. Also there are some on the "more about me" page!



Saturday, October 8, 2011

Yeah I Rocked Some Tutus Today.

Ok so today I kicked some tutu rear. Tiny and Little are now the proud owners of tutu dresses. and the "Look how cute these turned out " blog post is a day early. Well it will be if Tiny chills on the gym-nurse-tics and lets me type. The photo shoot is on for tomorrow after the Panthers game and church. I am going to have the male cruiser do some of both of them and some of Tiny in her birthday tutu. Little's is part of her "Dancing Witch" Halloween costume. So here are a crazy bunch of pics! Yay!

The Materials

Tiny's Tutu Cut

BG Helping While Tiny was Nursing

One Down!

Beautiful Tiny

Little Tutu Cut

Workin' on a Tutu


Little Dancing
So take that Rachael Ray! You make be able to cook and say things like "EVOO" but I made some kick-rear tutus today.

And I'm Feeling Good,