This morning is the last time I am going to get to sleep in for a while. It is 8 AM and I am wide awake writing this. I am not amused at the irony. I think part of the problem is that Little is watching Busytown Mysteries in the den at almost top volume.
I have wonderful news people...BG is no more!
Hehehe I tricked you! I am not getting rid of BG! HE is getting rid of the BUSES! He gave his notice Friday and in a week he will be starting a new job...ONE THAT DOESN'T TRAVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am beyond excited to have my love staying home. For the purposes of this blog he will remain "BG" cause I think it is cute and I have taken to occasionally calling him that out loud. I am so proud of him and he is really looking forward to this job...he gets to wear a hard hat... That's almost like a uniform right? Love me a uniform. So Congrats to my Lovie and yay for an extra set of hands around here.....Boooo for waking up at 5 AM to get to work.
Happy Birthday to The Female Cruiser! It was yesterday and she said she wasn't going to celebrate but the Male Cruiser took her out for Mexican. I have noticed that if The Cruisers go out to eat they always head for Mexican...hmmmmmm wonder why? Are they getting their stomachs acclimated so when they head for the boarder and abandon all of us it isn't a devastating shock to their systems? To steal a phrase from The Male Cruiser "I highly doubt it." I think they just like it and they can drink Dos Equis and Margaritas.Yum Margaritas.
So on Tuesday I completely blanked about a check up Tiny had for her ears. I called and rescheduled and it was no big deal. Did not get charged because it was my first "no show". Few days later I get a postcard in the mail telling me: " If we do not hear form you, we will document the appointment as a no show." That is not a typo on my part. It does say form. Now, I know that when write this blog there are spelling and grammatical mistakes. I also write as I speak so it is very informal. BUT THIS POSTCARD GOES OUT TO PATIENTS OF A BUSINESS. Just sayin'. After I called and rescheduled I got the postcard telling me to reschedule and a phone call telling me to reschedule. By the time I got the postcard Tiny had already been in the office and we were told her ears were fine. Maybe they need to quit with the Margaritas.
The Traveling Great Grandparents should be here tonight if they don't have weather problems on the way know all that snow and stuff AND so the week of craziness begins.
The family is stirring....Get me a Margarita! Not really.
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