A Little Bit More About Me

Hello! I am Blue Eyes or BE. I am married for almost 7 years to Bus Guy or BG and we have two crazy adorable girls.  Little who is four and Tiny who is one. I was born in New Jersey but moved when I was young and I eventually ended up marrying a southern guy. We live in a moderate size town near a large city. I have dreams and aspirations of being a crunchy mom and I am finally started in the right direction I also want to be Rachel Ray and I am working on it. I love Glee, Law & Order: SVU, my Kindle, and window shopping online. I also have a new found love of following certain celebrities on Twitter. If I want something sweet it is cake or ice cream. I love Italian food. Mainly Penne Vodka and Cheese Ravioli. I adore the sent of Estee Lauder's Cinnabar. It reminds me of my Gungi. I am blessed that I am 28 and have only lost one grandparent but I miss her. I  love to go camping in the fall and love the fall in general.

My Mom and Dad are The Cruisers and my brother is Unc. Pather's Fan is my mother-in-law and she does a wonderful job of keeping Little and Tiny while I am at work. Baltimore Uncle is BG's older brother and UC is his younger brother.

A few other things about me :

- I love Don Draper.I know he is a feminist nightmare but there is just some primal part of me, that Ijustwannabebarefootandpregnanttiedtomystoveforyou part, that wants to have his babies.
-If I won the lottery there would not be a whole lot of changes to my life. I would buy a castle though..No. Not really.
-I hated the color pink until I was pregnant with Tiny. Pink was my craving with her. Pink and Super Pretzels.
-Sometimes when Little is fake crying over something silly it takes everything in me to not laugh. Hard.
- The Leaky B@@b - Jessica Martin-Weber is like my Justin Beiber. If I met her I would be nervous. I might even jump up and down....well maybe.
-I am currently working ridiculously hard at being as positive as possible as much as possible. This has been a hard couple of years and we haven't gotten a break yet but I have hope it will happen at some point.
-I let Tiny have a little bit of re-fried beans tonight and now  I am starting to worry about the diaper that I am sure will be coming.

So Come Back Soon,
Ya hear.

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