Sunday, October 16, 2011

A PLAGUE on both your houses! Oh! Not yours, you say, Well then. A PLAGUE on my house!

Last week sucked. There is no better way to say it. It sucked. Big time. Sunday and Monday nights Tiny threw up but it was a kinda sorta snotty throw up and she had an ear infection in both ears so I was like " big deal". Tuesday and Wednesday morning flew by in a haze of Tiny puke, poop, and pediatric appointments. At which time Little started. Wednesday, after Little graced The Panthers Fan's living room with her lunch, I started to have that oh so awful feeling. The scary part: I DON'T REMEMBER THURSDAY AT ALL. BG was out of town and I remember talking to him Wednesday night begging him to come home, which he couldn't, and I know I called The Panthers Fan to come get the kids Thursday morning and then The Cruisers to relieve The Panthers Fan. BUT THAT IS ALL. SCARY! Really it was what my body needed.

On the way to get gas tonight (so I don't run out on the way to work tomorrow) I was thinking about this post.....but I think I have forgotten most of it. OOOOHHHHHH! I remember some of it !

So, On Friday when I didn't want to crawl up and sleep for 24 hours but I still couldn't make it out of my bed. I did a few thing that are a little odd for me  and considered something I would have never considered if I wasn't dehydrated and hallucinating. I. WATCHED. Sister Wives !!!! I watched 2 seasons while I dozed in and out and let me tell you...if that man wasn't so into having so many babies I would so be a sister wife....well sick me would have. And sick me even told BG that if he found another wife who liked to clean up the various bodily fluids that we were blessed with this week then I would be cool with the marriage "ceremony" happening NOW.  For some reason he didn't think I was serious. But he was out of town. I NEEDED a sister wife this week. Now that I am feeling a little better....I think if she cooks, cleans, AND deals with vom & poo THEN she's our girl. We are now accepting applications. Not really. Stay away from my BG Dude.

AND THANK YOU TO THE PANTHERS FAN AND THE CRUISERS FOR HELPING WITH THE NASTINESS AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!! Really, we are so thankful for your help. Please please please say you read my blog.

I also watched Toddler & Tiaras on Saturday. Now looking back I blame that on Netflix. IIIIIIIIII would have NEVER...well maybe. The bad thing about that show is it makes you feel just a little bit crazy. At one point BG walked into the bedroom and started to talk to me about something. I then led him into a conversation about how " blah blah is so mean to blah and really she isn't that much cuter and blah is such a B to blahdiddy blah blooo" UUUGGGGGGGHHHH HELP ME ! BG rolled his eyes and started to leave...but he paused for just a minute while it sucked him in a bit.....then he turned and ran. I am so proud he could do what I, in my weakened state, could not.

Now that I am out of bed and feeling stronger I hope I can abstain from some TLC/Netflix evil conspiracy shows for a bit. The conspiracy of course being you turn evil, love rhinestones, become a sister wife, and have 20 kids (and counting) because TLC/Netflix needs even more reality shows about such things. Bah!

You notice there are no pictures this post. I do have a pic on my phone of the stool sample kit the doctor gave me to obtain a sample from Tiny's diaper. I sent it in a text to BG so he could share the experience. I will NOT do the same for you, dear reader. Be grateful. I missed you all and hope our plague really doesn't fall on your houses.

Back to Life,


1 comment:

  1. Hilarious...not that you all were sick...but all events that went along with it. I hope all in your family are feeling better!
